Dog walks
1 hour dog walks:£13 per hour
Half price for additional dogs from the same household.
We currently have space for both group and solo walks, where your will be able to socialise and interact with myself and other dogs (group walks). We have lots of fun on our walks and I provide regular updates and photos of your pets having an amazing time.
Pet Pop ins
Pet Pop ins are perfect for those days when you're out and about during the day and your pet needs a quick pop in for some company and some extra snuggles. These are ideal if you're going out early and coming in late.
Pet Checks
15 min £6 (If required) Fed and watered, toilet time and company
30 min £9 - As above with time for even more snuggles .
(Half price per additional pet from the same household. Horses and Livestock not included in the above*)